Thursday, October 22, 2009

2009 - 2010

Professional Learning
October 14, 2009

We had an awesome turn out today for the professional learning discussion. Thank you so much for attending – it was a lot of fun sharing and hearing from everyone!

If you couldn’t make it, no big deal; maybe next time. I’ll send you the date for the next get together ASAP.

I wanted to review/summarize our discussion:

The “Talented and Gifted” Frankie Norris began the meeting by discussing her time at the WOW conference. She had a lot of wonderful things to say and I have summarized them below.

Students are our customers and they volunteer their time and attention to your class.
We are competing with their outside world and we really need to think about the lessons we design them.
We need to shift our culture and thought process in terms of creating more engaging activities for students.
Education is changing and we need to embrace this WOW philosophy. We don’t know if the traditional form of education will be around forever.
It is essential to think about the customer (students) when you begin designing your lessons.

**These are the things that stuck out for me. Frankie did an awesome job articulating her thoughts. Thanks Dr. Norris! J

I gave everyone a lesson plan cycle and a quick explanation of the ten design qualities. I pointed out the fact that most teachers already embed the four non-negotiable design qualities. (let me know if you want a copy of what I gave the teachers)

We discussed the word “engagement” and what we think it means. A few examples were:

Work that is connected to the real world.
Work that is meaningful to the student.
And a great example from Mrs. Pachiano…“the students are engaged when you try to take their work from them before they’re finished, and they get upset because they want to finish” I thought this was a perfect example!

Melissa and I discussed the Walkthroughs we are doing each day. We mentioned that teachers should not get upset if we rate the class “Well Managed”. We understand that classes will be “well managed” and this is not a “bad” thing.

We then discussed how often students should be engaged. I think we agreed that realistically our students are probably engaged 30% of the time. However, it might be wise to set a goal so that students are authentically engaged 50% of the time. Eventually this goal will increase over time.

Melissa and I are tracking this data and will give you the “engagement results” at the end of the month.

Next, we discussed Daily Five. Several people spoke highly of this program and gave many beneficial examples. I told everyone that we, as a school, are moving to this model and the district supports this initiative; however there is not enough money to train all the teachers. As a result, we are not going to wait to be trained – we will simply use our own talented teachers to train our campus.

I’ll keep you posted on the progress with regard to Daily Five. Thanks again for participating!! We really appreciate all you do!


  1. I really enjoyed this training too. I am excited to get into the Daily Five, but nervous about implementing it into the 3rd grade with all the skills that we have to cover. I am looking forward to learning more and interested in more training.

  2. What an awesome school to have so many people interested in meeting after school in order to be better for the students! :o)

    Just to 'plug' Daily 5 - please know that Jaclyn and I are your "Literacy Coaches" and are here to help you in any way we can. Although we are in the younger grades we will help with anything. Feel free to stop by my room and talk about the book, watch video clips, troubleshoot, etc. I'm not an expert, but I'm experienced with this framework. Engagement and WOW pieces are underlying themes in Daily 5 so you might as well kill two birds with one stone.

  3. I think that I am going to join Frankie and some other teachers in a book study of Daily Five. From what I've seen and heard already this year, I am excited to get the chance to learn lots more and implement it as soon as we return from Christmas break. I can see that students are benefiting from it, and I definitely want my class to get in on the learning! :-) Won't it be great when all grade levels are involved?

  4. I'm with Karla---I'm excited to do a book study to learn more. I am doing "bare bones" Daily Five, really only at the "Daily One" stage! But I see the HUGE benefits of kids reading books of their choice every day. They love it, and I see their skills improving! Like anything, there's a pretty big learning curve here, but I'm glad to be doing something that is helping my kids--not only to learn but to LOVE reading. They get mad at me if I don't give them their read-to-self time! AWESOME!!!

  5. I appreciate all the time that is being put in to helping us all be the best teachers. I also think it is awesome when other teachers get excited about helping each other want to reach the same goal...helping students be successful;)

  6. Thank you all for contributing to this blog. Melissa and I are very excited to add this learning tool to Hardeman. I agree with many of the posts so far – Hardeman teachers are the best and it is encouraging to see so many individuals craving information in the name of helping their students succeed.

  7. I love this! I made fun of Tim for being a blogger but this is great. I love to hear your comments-they are so positive and encouraging. Thank you for being such amazing teachers and for wanting to take this new idea and implement it into your classrooms. I really believe that Daily 5 is great and all of your kids will benefit from it. Your excitement and passion is contagious and I hope that it spreads throughout our school.

  8. I agree about the Daily 5. There are so many activities that can be built into it (content, etc.). It really is just a great framework as opposed to "one more thing" to do. It's also fun to see the kids doing so well with it. (Even some of my more challenging kids seem to love it :)

  9. I also am enjoying the conversations. It's great to hear other teachers' ideas and opinions. I would like to attend the Daily 5 book study as well. I know it sounds like a lot of work, but I have witnessed in a class, and it seems to be something I could work with, and eventually I feel as it would actually be less work once it was going full speed. Besides the work, the kids I feel would really benefit from using it.

  10. Thank you all for working so hard - it's been a great week! Melissa and I are looking forward to getting into your classrooms so that we can observe some awesome math instruction. Just a reminder...the month of November, we will be tracking our engagement level with regard to math. Have an awesome weekend!

  11. Our mentor meeting was great! Thank you Melissa for covering so many important topics and making the meeting beneficial. I really enjoy the opportunity. Handouts are always good too ;)
